Product Release: Customer Analytics

Understand your customers like never before with our customer analytics solution. Not only with this solution paint a clear picture of the lifetime value of a client, but it will also allow you dive deeper into your customer journey.

Your company should clearly understand who your best customers are, and why!

Enhance customer retention, tailor marketing strategies, and maximize profitability with the actionable insights gathered from these reports. With seamless integrations of various platforms, our solution empowers you to unlock the full potential of your customer data, add value to your team, and answer critical business questions.

Key Features:

  • Customer Churn and Attrition Rates

  • Lifetime Value (LTV)

  • Custom Acquisition Costs (CAC)

  • Customer Retention by Cohort

  • Top-Performing Customer Behavior


  • Quickbooks Online

  • Stripe

  • Shopify

  • And more!


Want to see for yourself?

Click here to try our free demo


6 Use Cases of Business Intelligence for every Startup


Understanding LTV:CAC for Product/Market Fit