Product Release: Sales Funnel Analytics

Peel back the layers of your sales funnel with the newest SeedMetrics’ offering. Keep a consistent pulse on deal volume, time-to-close, and conversion rates to gain valuable insights into your sales pipeline and customer relationships.

Answer key business questions like, “How many leads do we need to generate to hit our revenue goals?” or “How long does it take to breakeven on a new salesperson?”

Give clarity to your agile team by offering a single source of truth. Our solution integrates with popular CRM platforms, and enable your team to do more with less.

Key Highlights:

  • Monthly Deal Volume

  • Time-to-close

  • Close Rates

  • Revenue Forecasting


  • Salesforce

  • Hubspot

  • Pipedrive


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Understanding LTV:CAC for Product/Market Fit


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